Bluetooth, App connect and Infotainment
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:27 am
This morning on the commute in the Buzz, for some unknown reason CarPlay wouldn’t connect. Tried removing phone and reconnecting however this then appeared to have further consequences.
Speedo stuck at 0 mph
Unable to turn off Infotainment
Infotainment screen unresponsive to touch
Vehicle didn’t register me exiting the vehicle
When I arrived at work the remote locking seemed to close down the screen etc, however on reentry to the Buzz everything seemed to still be stuck in the same situation.
Decided to leave it and head off to work in the hope it will have sorted itself out on my return.
Anyone else had anything similar?
Speedo stuck at 0 mph
Unable to turn off Infotainment
Infotainment screen unresponsive to touch
Vehicle didn’t register me exiting the vehicle
When I arrived at work the remote locking seemed to close down the screen etc, however on reentry to the Buzz everything seemed to still be stuck in the same situation.
Decided to leave it and head off to work in the hope it will have sorted itself out on my return.
Anyone else had anything similar?